Celebrate normality

Do you sometimes think, “Oh I’m so bored. Nothing ever happens. Please, someone, rescue me from this boring life!”
If that is your reality then you have what is called a normal life – sometimes good, sometimes bad, sometimes mediocre. Welcome to normality with its ups and downs.

Which leads me to my catch phrase or topic for the week: Celebrate normality, you don’t know how precious it is until someone drags you into the twilight world of abuse. In this dark place everything you think you know will be inverted, good becomes bad and bad is your new normal, enforced by a sick person high on control.

In this world there is no space to just sit and relax with a cup of coffee and a good book, no opportunity to be bored. Instead you are hyper-alert, your whole being focused on pleasing the abuser, to survive. After a while it becomes your new normal and you forget that a different reality ever existed.

Getting out is difficult, and the act of leaving may endanger your life. If you are in this situation please seek help. But be careful. You are the only person who has the inside knowledge to assess your risk.

There are many government and non-government organisations dedicated to assist those at risk. Ask for help, abuse thrives in secrecy.

And when you are out you’ll have a new appreciation for a normal life where nothing ever happens.

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