

Cornelia Smith Fick, also known as Colleen Lynn, is a South African writer. She recently attained a PhD Creative Writing degree at the University of the Western Cape where she wrote  a historical novel, The Buried Chameleon, on slavery at the Cape of Good Hope for which she seeks representation.

Her debut collection Eye of a Needle: And other stories originated from the MA in Creative Writing at Rhodes University and is available here.

A retired nurse she worked for a number of years as the editor of a monthly primary health care magazine and was a freelance writer for Takalani Sesame (radio and TV).

She also completed an online corporeal writing workshop Ontologies: Writing your way into the World with Lydia Yuknavitch. Her poems and stories are published in local and international magazines and anthologies: Tyhini 2014 and 2015; Spelk; To breather into another voice: A jazz anthology; Itch; Fractured poetics: a poetry anthology; Botsotso; EXPERIMENTAL WRITING: Volume 1, Africa VS Latin America; Soho Square V, Bloomsbury; Poetry Potion; New Contrast and Atlanta Review. among others.

She lives in Johannesburg.